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"Education is my passion and my calling. It keeps calling me higher."

Modern Classroom

New Release!

Public Education:
The Modern-Day Lynching Tree 

"If we don't burn the nooses within public education, eventually we'll all end up lynched!  These nooses include:

  • Disrespect

  • Lack of Disciplinary Structure

  • School Shootings

  • Social Media Challenges

  • Standardized Testing

  • Teacher Burnout"

- Rometha Gilmore (Mrs. Educator)

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About Rometha Gilmore

Rometha Gilmore is the one and only Mrs. Educator. As a Black woman in leadership, her journey in public education began in Marion County Public Schools. Rometha is a zealous motivational speaker, educational consultant, advocate, and mentor to adolescent girls and women. Her professional tenure within public education has been well-developed over the past two decades. Mrs. Educator has stood on the frontlines of education as a classroom teacher, dean of students, later transitioning into the role of an assistant principal.  

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